Hello changemakers!

We wanted to share some words and lots of gratitude for this past year of Practising Transition together - it's been amazing!

In this e-news you find:

  • Gratitude, news and next steps
  • Latest webinar recordings available
  • Share your Feedback
  • Support Transitioners

Gratitude, news and next steps

Practising Transition, 2024 in numbers
Practising Transition, 2024 in numbers

2024 was the first year of Practising Transition project being alive. We've explored Transition Practices throughout 18 sessions, with some of you as facilitators, and it's been incredible! We're deeply grateful with all of you, what an awesome community in action!

After these experiences and the feedback received from the Practising community, we have some updates and next steps:

Dan and Anahí share Practising Transition updates (5 min video)

Do you have any tips and tricks that you use with your teams? 
Do you have any challenges or questions that you want to share with a wider group of people? 
Are you simply curious to learn more and expand your skills and awareness? 

If you answered yes to any of these, then the Best Practice: Collective Wisdom Sharing space is designed for you. 

Each month, we will host two events:

  1. Practising Transition Webinar in the first week of the month
  2. Best Practice: Collective Wisdom Sharing space in the third week of the month 

We are planning to align the themes of the webinars and the sharing space each month. The webinars are more in the style of a workshop led by an individual facilitator, whereas the Collective Wisdom space will be designed as an open space, where everyone will have a chance to share their learnings and experiences. There will be space for discussing and connecting with other people in the wider transition movement. We hope these two spaces will complement each other.

Save the dates for February:

February 4th, 16:00 UTC - Practising Transition Webinar: Effective Collaboration for Social Change, with Nick Osborne
Effective Collaboration for Social Change
Co-weave a flow of involvement for members in your group or organization that is nurturing and connecting in every phase of your evolution.
February 18th, 16.00 UTC - Collective Wisdom Sharing: Building Healthy Team Dynamics

We hope to see you at one or both of these events! We are excited with the lineup of Practising Transition webinars this year, including sessions on Dragon Dreaming, Ethical Technology, Imagination Practices, Storytelling and much more! 

Latest Practising Transition webinar recordings

Did you miss a webinar? Here -and on the Practising Transition website- you can find the latest recordings available as well as the Dive deeper materials:

Change Up Meeting
Change Up Meeting helps transitioners promoting deep transformations on collective processes, communication, problem-solving and power issues.
Weaving the Word in Circle
This community practice is based on the exchange of knowledge that is shared from the heart, connecting diversity in unity towards collective actions.
The Regeneration Handbook: A New Perspective on the Transition Towns Movement
Watch the recording of this special Practising Transition webinar, celebrating the release of The Regeneration Handbook: Transform Yourself to Transform the World by Transition Network’s Training Coordinator Don Hall! Deeply rooted in the history of the Transition Movement, The Regeneration Handbook builds on “The Five Stages of Transition” from
The Joy of Change: Play for Transition
Unified Playfulness practices give adults space to play, slow down, and tap into their creativity. These practices help disrupt patterns and foster behavior change, bringing more resilience, authenticity, and joy into their lives and the systems they inhabit. Some ideas to practise Play for Transition The practice involves offering activities/

Share your Feedback about Practising Transition

How has this year of transition practices and characteristics been for you? We'd love to hear!

Feedback: Practising Transition
Dear fellow Transitioners, It’s been around 10 months since we started the Practicing Transition, a new way of sharing practices with the movement, and we are curious to hear if we are going in the right direction, and what else we can do to make those offerings more relevant, useful and meaningful. If you have a bit of time (~5 mins), and if you have benefited from some of the practices shared until now, it would mean a ton if you could share a word or two with us! With love and gratitude, the Practising Transition team Liza, Anahi, Dan and Esther

Support Transition practitioners!

As you may know, all the Practising Transition webinars and resources are free and available to everyone - that's how we want to do this. We also offer a payment to honour the webinar facilitators and the content creators.

If you find value in Practising Transition please consider making a donation so we can keep this happening and resourcing the movement. Thank you so much!

Also, if you have a good practice you'd like to share with the movement, you can submit it here in two different formats:

Please let us know if you have any questions or ideas that you want to be considered for Practising Transition. 

Check the details about the campaign here and/or send us an email at practising@transitionmovement.org

Thank you so so much for all your support and commitment, Transition is alive because of you all!