Earth Based and grounding practices can help us become more connected, balanced and present in our lives. They invite a greater sense of well being and are particularly helpful for keeping our Transition work on a healthy track, achieving tasks and goals more effectively and increasing our capacity and resilience.

Some ideas to practise Grounding Resilience and Regeneration

This offering brings together a synergistic combination of different tools to connect to the Earth: We use a practice that combines meditation, visualization, breathwork and most notably, a somatic based sensing practice. From this foundation, we can cultivate a nourishing relationship with ourselves and with nature and receive the power of self healing.

We will go through a basic practice and then be able to apply it to some challenge in your life right away. You will experience first hand how it works, bringing healing, helping challenges in relationships or offering insight to a problem or your life in general.  When you integrate these practices in your life in a way that works for you, you will enjoy greater balance and a deep centeredness. Especially helpful when integrating new project ideas, navigating challenging issues or conflicts, feeling overwhelmed or burned out, confusion and distraction.

When this practice is applied, you will feel the difference!  You will feel lighter, more at ease and regenerated. You will feel a sense of empowerment when you apply the principles, and will watch your life transform with greater focus, inspiration and well being.

Join the webinar

Grounding Resilience and Regeneration · Sept 20th

Join this webinar with Jul Bystrova to learn about practical tools to feel more grounded and in balance.
September 20th, 2024 at 17:00 pm UTC

Save your spot at the webinar

Diving deeper

Master the art of Grounding Resilience and Regeneration

You can use the below resources to become more skilled at this. Explore them at your own leisure:

Stay engaged

Opportunities to keep connected and learn more

We will host an online community of practice called “Sacred Ground”. Details here. I am also available for private sessions, coaching/counseling.

Also, the Transition Movement Virtual Platform can provide opportunities to keep in touch and keep exploring this topic together.