Esther Molina

Esther Molina


Esther is a communicator, facilitator and researcher involved in Transition. Passionate for ecosystemic approaches and inner-led community change.

7 posts

✴️Practising Transition January news: Changes are coming!

Hello changemakers! We wanted to share some words and lots of gratitude for this past year of Practising Transition together - it's been amazing! In this e-news you find: * Gratitude, news and next steps * Latest webinar recordings available * Share your Feedback * Support Transitioners Gratitude, news and next steps...

by Esther Molina and others
Learning the Ropes

Learning the Ropes

Learning how to "Do Transition" is a voyage, not a walk in the park. We do like walks in the park. However, most of us have been raised to be consumers, trained to fit into industrial capitalism, and told that globalisation (rather than localisation) is the future. The...

by Anahí Beatriz Pacheco and others
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